Happy Easter

Happy Easter !!!

Today 27 march the Catholics around the world are celebrating Easter !
This day marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after crucifixion.
According to the New Testament , Jesus came back to life on Sunday , the third day after his death on the cross, the Friday before Easter.

If in the  Christmas time Santa is the one who is bringing presents, on the Easter is the Bunny who is dropping baskets of treats in the middle of night to delight the children everywhere on  Easter morning.

Easter Traditions!
Easter eggs hunts are taking place in country like USA, Germany, India, Switzerland, Sweden, Casnada, Australia -where parents hide eggs and sweets , usually outdoors for their children to find.

The Easter bonnet pared - is a tradition shared by Australian , UK and USA.
Some country's the kids are wearing hats decorated with bunny ears, chicken designs, some are  having hats decorated with spring flowers.

Happy Easter to everyone and enjoy on your very special way! 


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